Nikola Tesla, Genius & Spirituality

I have always been fascinated with the scientist Nikola Tesla. With one of the most brilliant and unusual minds the world has.

On the one hand, I was fascinated by his extraordinary contribution in the field of electrical engineering, which I studied myself, and on the other hand, by his humane ideas and vision for a world powered by renewable energy sources, which even today not used by mankind.

But it seems that what fascinated me the most about Tesla is the combination of his character and genius.

In his autobiographical book “My Inventions”, Tesla shows that he liked solitude, was focused and had intense concentration on the work he was doing.

Referring to the various difficulties he encountered in implementing his projects, in one paragraph of this book he writes:

“I am not willing to give satisfaction to some arrogant and jealous individuals who have hindered my efforts. These people to me are nothing but the germs of an evil disease. My project was delayed due to the laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it – it was way ahead of its time. But the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphant success.”

One of Tesla’s most remarkable characteristics was his ability to visualize his inventions in great detail before building them. He often spent months or even years working out the theoretical details of his ideas in his mind before putting them into practice. This allowed him to achieve a level of precision and accuracy unmatched in his field.

Tesla was a spiritual person and believed that his inventions were inspired by a higher power. by Rreze Xhaferi

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we receive knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know it exists.”

~ Nikola Tesla