No regrets

In the book “The Power of Regret”, Daniel Pink talks about the “pishmons” (regrets) that people have held hostage during their lives. In this book, the author divided regrets into four main categories: basic regrets (related to health, education, finances, etc.), regrets as a lack of courage (chances that we do not experience in life), moral regrets (that come from the convictions of being “fair, moral”), while the largest number is made up of regrets regarding relationships with others (lack of devoting time to family, loved ones, partner, relationships with them, etc.) .

A few months before my father passed away, knowing his potential and the tireless work you had done all your life as a diligent, family-oriented man with many years of successful career in the field of finance, asked:

“Do you have any regrets in life?”

– “No” – I answer. “I don’t regret anything. Because I have always chosen the right path of the MOMENT”.

I, of course, was not satisfied with his answer, especially knowing the opportunities he had in his career for a much more prosperous life. My logical mind wanted to hear logical answers along the lines of “If I had done X, I would have benefited from Y”.

“Programs” (which are transmitted through beliefs installed in our brains) dictate our daily lives and decisions. Whenever we operate outside of these “programs”, chances are we are operating in inspiration mode. When we are in inspiration, we are living in the present independent of the past and the program. Therefore, we can do things that cannot be explained by the logical mind. What we know and feel when we are in inspiration mode is the feeling of being fulfilled, happy and in natural flow with the entire Universe.

After a few months, my father passed away and only then did I realize that he had acted in the mode of inspiration. And that was his secret, for a life without regrets.

However, it takes a certain level of awareness to seek this state. In my work as a hypnotherapist, I help clients to live in a state of inspiration, overcoming the “programs” of their mind.

Life “without regrets” is the most beautiful life realized. It is for powerful souls who live with full awareness and faith that a life lived in inspiration is the most beautiful possible inscription of their life script. by Rreze Xhaferi