Mimoza Safedini

Welcome to the profile of personal trainer Mimosa Sefedini Fitness Expert on our platform!


Embark on a transformative journey with a fitness virtuoso who brings a wealth of expertise, passion and a decade-long commitment to sculpting bodies and minds. Meet Mimi, positive and fitness professional with a degree in sports science, a long athletic career that began at the age of 9 and over ten years of diverse experience in the field of fitness training.


Mimosa is not just a trainer; she is living proof of the power of disciplined fitness. Having honed her skills through years of dedicated athletic pursuits, Mimi brings a unique blend of sports science and real-world application to her training programs.

Educational skills:

Equipped with a degree in sports science, Mimi doesn’t just guide you through training; she explains the ‘why’ behind each move. Her academic background ensures that each program is meticulously designed, weaving together the art and science of fitness for maximum impact.

Athletic excellence:

From the starting points of her athletic journey at the age of 9 to the activity in Hendbaall over the years, Mimi understands the rigors of physical perfection. This seasoned athlete doesn’t just preach fitness; she lives it, drawing inspiration from her experiences to guide you towards your goals.

Decade of Expertise:

With over ten years of experience in various forms of fitness training, Mimi has fine-tuned her approach to meet a variety of different fitness needs. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a head start or an advanced enthusiast aiming for peak performance, Mimi has the expertise to push you forward.

Digital fitness at your fingertips:

Now, Mimi brings her expertise to your digital doorstep. Access its most advanced programs designed for weight loss and body composition from the comfort of your home. Join the fitness revolution and redefine your limits under the guidance of a true fitness luminary.


Get ready to transform not only your physique, but your whole outlook on fitness with Mimi. Your journey to a healthier and better physique starts here!

Program 1


Program 2


Program 3


Program 4
