Quantum healing hypnosis technique therapist
Rrezarta Xhaferi
“Meet me at the point where your programming ends & your inspiration begins”
Rrezarta Xhaferi is a Writer, Technologist and an Artist of Change. She holds a MSc degree in Business Management and Technology from the University of Sheffield and has graduated as an Electrical Engineer in Computer Science and Telecommunications at the University of Prishtina.
She is also an Educator, Engineer, Designer and Hypnotherapist (certified QHHT Level 2 Practitioner).
Rrezarta is a free spirit, driven by truth and freedom. She loves to do things with heart and passion. Never stopping the learning of new things, she strives to constantly push the boundaries of her own limitations while getting beyond them. Her writings are mainly focused on self-empowerment and spirituality.
She sees technology as a tool which should assist in spiritual development.
This book is dedicated to my father, on the 2nd anniversary of his departure from this life.
In this book you can find 10 different cases of sessions held by me, with different clients, through the quantum healing technique of hypnosis (QHHT).
The names of the clients used in the book are fictitious, to preserve their anonymity. In dialogue form, only the main parts of the session are included, so that the reader can focus on the substantive part. I invite you, with an open mind and a pure heart, to read the cases described in the book.