When it comes to weight loss, there is no such thing as one size fits all.

Përdorni testet e ADN-së për të kuptuar më mirë dietën tuaj personale, mënyrën e jetesës dhe kërkesat për suplemente.


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*Please note you can only order one test per product per customer.


DNA Health® is a genetic test that provides unique insights into your health and your susceptibility to chronic diseases.

About This Test

DNA Diet® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of diet and lifestyle recommendations in order to manage weight. It provides insight into which diet type (low carbohydrate, low fat, or Mediterranean diet) would be most suitable for you according to your unique genetic makeup.

Ideal for:

The DNA Diet test is suitable for any individual who is trying to lose weight, or has experienced weight loss resistance in the past, or has tried many different diet types without success, or who simply wants to optimise their macronutrient distribution for improved weight management outcomes. There is no one diet or way of eating that is correct for everyone. DNA Diet will help you understand how your genetic profile can impact your response to different eating plans and which type of diet is best for you.

Test Results

Studies have shown that dietary intake and nutrition knowledge is greatly improved in individuals who received personalised nutrition advice as compared to generalised diet advice. The selection of genes included in the DNA Diet test have multiple peer review studies examining how variations in these genes contribute to differences in dietary interventions.These genes impact metabolism, absorption and storage of fats and carbohydrates, to assist in creating a personalised diet plan.

Report Insights

The Process

Step 01

Your test is ordered from your consulting practitioner

Step 02 

Collect your DNA sample using the test kit that is provided at your consultation

Step 03

Sample is sent to the laboratory and report sent to your healthcare practitioner within 21 days

Step 04

Explore your DNA. Your healthcare practitioner will notify you once they receive the report to set up a consultation.